
Just barely too late in a galaxy far, far away.

Mr. Lucas, please don't sue me. Shepard Fairey, eat your heart out.

I plan on making some prints, but not selling them since that would be hardcore copyright infringement not to mention a bit wrong since it's not my original concept. Let me know what you think.

Well of course as the few that knew my idea warned me, I did not get it out in time. I'll admit I'm more fond of my version, but I have to give the guy credit for being quick about it. Anyway check out David Friedman's version at


Sveden said...

Your version is way better.

Andy C. said...

Nice design (though I would love to see a Darth Vader or a Wookie version. haha)! I could definitely imagine seeing this on a printed t-shirt.

Tom said...

Great Poster! I saw a couple of them up in Pasadena!

Any way to get a couple? Let me know. Thanks and KEEP GETTING UP!